Hrek 2009 : Di Grassi eyes second Manor seat - Di Grassi szeme a Manor szabad lsn |
Di Grassi eyes second Manor seat - Di Grassi szeme a Manor szabad lsn
2009.11.17. 21:17
Manor GP announced that Timo Glock is going to race for them next year, he could help the new team with his experience. They haven't made a decision about the another seat, but the Renault's 3rd driver, Lucas Di Grassi is believeing he would get that place.
The Brazilian driver told to "Xinhua": "I have a good chance to sign a contract with Manor."
But he knows, he isn't the only one for this seat. The news are talking about Nelson Piquet, Adam Carroll, Anthony Davidson and Christian Klien too. "They are having discussions more drivers, and I am one among them."
The report added that di Grassi expects an answer from Manor next week.
A Manor GP hivatalosan is megerstette, hogy jvre Timo Glock lhet az egyik versenyautba, mivel a tapasztalatval segtheti az jonc csapat fejlesztsi munklatait. A msik versenyzrl egyelre nem dntttek, a Renault tesztpiltja, Lucas Di Grassi azonban bzik abban, hogy a szabad helyet kaphatja.
A brazil pilta a Xinhua hrgynksgnek elmondta: "J eslyem van arra, hogy megllapodst kssek a Manorral."
Azzal azonban tisztban van a huszont ves versenyz, hogy nem az egyetlen, akivel trgyalnak. A hrek szerint Nelson Piquet, Adam Carroll, Anthony Davidson s Christian Klien is szerepel a jelltek kztt. "Tbb versenyzvel trgyalnak, s n is kztk vagyok."
A tervek szerint a Manor csapat jv hten hoz dntst a versenyzi krdsben.